Photographic quandary
I’m currently flogging off a load of bits’n’bobs around the flat so that I can afford a new digital camera – but which one to go for? Here’s the current contenders (all 5 megapixel beasts w/zoom and manual controls galore).
First up is the Sony DSC V1. Advantages: tiny size, fast as a slippery eel on a greasy slide, uses memory stick (I’ve already got lots of them), fab night modes
Disadvantages: no swivelling viewfinder, no second curtain flash, duff battery life
Next contender is Nikon Coolpix 5400.
Advantages: wide angle zoom lens, quite small, rotating viewfinder
Disadvantages: tiny LCD panel, fiddly operation, not so fast
And the final option is the Canon PowerShot G5 .
Advantages: great resolution, stuffed full of features, swivelling viewfinder, big battery life
Disadvantages: the clunkiest, chunkiest mutha of the three. Expensive
And here’s the rub: none of the cameras have everything I need – if only I could bolt on a swivelling viewfinder onto Sony’s camera and add Canon’s features I’d be a well chuffed photo-bunny. Ho hum…
An outside contender is the Sony DSC-F717 which would be absolutely perfect if it wasn’t for that bazooka-sized lens bolted on to the front…
What to do?!