New York is still cleaning up after the huge storm that hit the city on Monday night, and our intrepid US reporter Jim has been taking a look around his nearby streets.
The photo above shows some of the mess that washed up from the East River onto 14th Street and Avenue C.
Police at 13th street and Avenue C. The brick building is part of the ConEd facility.
A couple of the cars that were floating down Avenue C at 13th Street.
Stuy town again. ConEd silently sits in the background.
Avenue C and 16th.
What is left of the flood at the entrance to Stuyvesant Town at 16th street and Avenue C
Exit ramp FDR Drive at 18th street and Ave C. East River in background.
Gas pumps fall down. Thanks once again British Petroleum!
Pallets on First Avenue and 28th street.
Flooded hole where the 34th street ConEd plant used to stand. Demolished in 2007 to make way for luxury living for filthy rich Europeans who work at the United Nations.
Wish we had that plant about now.
ABC News in Times Square. Plenty of power up here.
All is peace and quiet inside the Microsoft Surface store.
What is a ‘surface store’? What do they sell?
They sell Microsoft’s new Surface tablet.