Three photos for you from my wander around Brixton today. The first is of the Guyanese roti caravan on Brixton Station Road, which has proved a hit on the urban75 bulletin boards.
Matt m: Just finished a pumpkin and spinach roti with chili sauce for £2.50. Mmmmmmmmm. Can’t believe I’ve never got lunchtime takeaway from there before. It’s my new best friend.
Tarannau: Are you people blind or something? How can you walk past something that has: a) The Guyanese flag on and B) Sells roti.
The woman in the wagon makes fine pholourie and proper article black pudding too, generally on Saturdays only. And she knows the way of the wiri wiri pepper.
I loved this little ‘Enquiries’ envelope placed on the window of the soon-to-be-opened new Federation coffee premises, in Brixton Village.
Finally, these white trousers pinned on a plastic tree in Brixton Village caught my eye.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering, all the photos were taken on a HTC Desire phone, and processed using the fabulous Vignette app.
Can you please tell me where I can find whole wiri wiri peppers? I have moved to London and wanted to cook some Guyaneese food and need some wiri wiri peppers but can not find any. I have done a google search and have come accross your site about “the Guyanese roti caravan on Brixton Station Road ” and the blog mentioned this with wiri wiri peppers. If you can please assist I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you.