Brixton market traders protest against the closure of the car park caused by Tesco and Lambeth Council’s plans.
Read the full story on our discussion boards – Popes road car park to become temporary Ice Rink – or scroll down for more photos.
A campaign website has been set up to protest against the proposals:
Join the campaign to stop Tesco and Lambeth Council destroying local trade in Brixton.How do you carry a sack of rice and a big can of oil home from the market without a car? Brixton has been suffering for years with too little parking and too many wardens, threatening the ethnic and economic diversity of Brixton as we know it.Now Lambeth Council think Brixton Market is the easy option and are rolling over to Tesco’s demands to take OUR carpark!
The campaign has also got the full support from the Friends of Brixton market:
Friends of Brixton Market vehemently oppose Lambeth Council’s decision to allow Tesco to apply to build a temporary ice rink on Pope’s Road carpark, allowing Tesco to try to wriggle out of their existing agreement – because Tesco – who made £3bn profit in 2009 – say they can no longer afford to pursue that agreement.
Instead Lambeth is now setting about spinning the situation as a positive for Brixton, when traders are seeing their business decline and the market continues to suffer the effects of Lambeth’s neglect of the Pope’s Road carpark.
We urge you to oppose this damaging decision too when Tesco send in their application to the Planning Department at Lambeth. See for more.
another example of Lambeth council to destroy a usefull part of Brixton when are they going to learn the folk wanted and needed this car park not a bloody ice rink I think there is a nasty motive behind this prodject