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Cardiff Queen Street railway station in the 1960s – a series of fascinating photos by Rob Masterman

Once again, this site is obliged to Rob Masterman for giving us permission to reproduce this wonderful set of photographs of Cardiff Queen  Street railway station in the 1960s.

The station looks very different these days, with its overall roof a long distant memory, although rising traffic levels have seen formerly disused platforms being brought back into use.



Battered DMU, 1964.

Platform 3, 1967. Note the water tower to the right.

Train coming in from Cardiff General (now Central).

A glimpse of the impressive Taff Vale offices, sadly now all demolished.

March 1967.

Platform 5, 1967.

Platform 5, 1967.

Water crane with brazier, 1967.

Under the overall roof, 1964.


Bay platform, 1965.

March 1967.

(c) All photos by

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