Seen annoying shoppers and deafening passengers trying to get into a crowded Oxford Circus tube station was this God-bothering bloke with a megaphone. His name is Carl.
His message seemed to solely focus around how Islam was an intolerant religion of hate and violence.
Whereas whatever religion he was going on about was, no doubt, incredibly tolerant.
He briefly stopped banging on about how terrible Islam was to have a go at a few other random religions and started going on about new age hippies at one point.
Here’s Carl again, raving and shouting away.
Carl he’s been seen at this spot for some time, and always flapping around his sheets of paper.
Meanwhile, less than 15 metres away on the opposite side of the road was a far more enjoyable kind of noise being created by this busking band.
More of the same, but in Brixton: The street preachers and religious cults of central Brixton, 2000-2014
stanley green territory of yester year
I think more protein more passion (Stanley Green’s theory) at least more intriguing if not more entertaining. Do you have his book “Eight Passion Proteins with Care” by any chance? Sounds an essential book choice for that Desert Island.
These sort of folk have been a common fixture on British streets for as long as I can remember, and probably for a while before that. So lets say 50 years?
In all that time, I wonder how many atheists and heathens they have converted between them?
Not many, I’d bet!!