Located at the top end of the festival, the Wild West remains one of our favourite city districts, with no shortage of ad hoc street performances, bars and live venues to keep folks entertained. Yeeehi!
Entering the Wild West.
Water gunfight.
One cowboy accuses another cowboy.
Who accuses him right back.
Medical supplies.
We were called up for jury service. The man in the dock stood accused of spilling drink over someone’s trousers.
The judge listens carefully.
Testimony is given in court.
The court artist captured all the details.
The jury find the defendant GUILTY!
He is placed in the stocks outside for punishment.
Dancing in the streets.
Man down!
At the Rusty Spurs stage.
Dancefloor scenes.
On the Crazy Calamities stage.
A dinosaur on the loose.
Wild West video from Boomtown 2015:
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[Additional pics (c) V Spanu]