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Current and historical maps of Brixton and the surrounding area, Lambeth, London, SW9 and SW2

Booth's Poverty Map, Brixton area, 1898-99

As part of Charles Booth's Inquiry into the Life and Labour of the People in London, street-by-street maps were drawn out representing the levels of poverty and wealth found by survey investigators.

His 1898-99 map of Brixton reveals a generally affluent, middle class area with upper classes residing on Brixton Hill with just a small scattering of poor homes in the area.

Booth Poverty Map, Brixton area, 1898-99
1. YELLOW: Upper-middle and Upper classes. Wealthy. 2. RED: Middle class. Well-to-do
3. PINK: Fairly comfortable. Good ordinary earnings. 4. BLUE: Poor. 18s. to 21s. a week for a moderate family

More info: The Charles Booth Online Archive

Booth Poverty Map,  Brixton area, 1898-99

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