St Andrew's, Walberswick
18th century church surrounded by ruins
(Photos/words © urban75, May 2007)
Unusually, the 18th century church of St Andrew was constructed within the ruins of a much larger 15th century church, the remains of which are still standing around.
The 90ft (27m) tower was completed in 1493 - nearly seventy years after it was first planned - and proved a useful landmark for passing sailors and a handy lookout for raiders.
A rapidly shrinking population saw the large church fall into disrepair, and in June 1695 villagers dismantled the nave, using the materials to build a much smaller version inside the original.
To offset the £291 costs, the churchwardens flogged off the remaining three bells, the roof lead and timber for £303.
Old stone tomb.
The outline of the older, grander church can be clearly made out.
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