Forced Labour isn't working
(article by George Monbiot, from The Guardian 21.10.98)
November's Queen's Speech will contain a curious mixture of disappointments
surprises. There will be no Food Standards Agency, no Freedom of Information
Act, and no integrated transport. But there will be parliamentary time for a
dramatic new welfare policy. The government intends, we're told, to extend the
principle of compulsion to all recipients of benefit: in future, anyone hoping
to receive social security payments will have to prove that she or he is
seeking work.
The proposal will doubtless be widely applauded. It will be hailed as a bold
move to reduce a benefits bill which now costs every household in Britain
nearly £80 per week. The idle and unmotivated will be made to do
useful and encouraged to feel like valued members of society. In truth, the
government's new policy is as misguided as Eddie George's enthusiasm for
Northern unemployment and Lady Thatcher's call for single mothers to be
sent to
Salvation Army hostels.
People on benefits are almost universally portrayed as both helpless and
useless. Lacking either opportunity or enterprise, their lives, we are told,
are a miserable round of waiting and wasting. Some recipients do live like
this, and many are desperate for work, but hundreds of thousands of people in
Britain use their benefit payments as a very low wage for the most socially
useful employment of all. Among them are those who devote their lives to
bringing up children or caring for the elderly. Voluntary organisations
rely on
people who would rather do something useful for next to nothing than something
destructive for many times more.
It's arguable that no one has made a greater
contribution to the economy than the activists using their dole to highlight
injustice and ineptitude: protesters saved Britain pounds19 billion when they
helped force the last government to cut its demented road-building programme.
Our £80 a week is trifling when compared to the extraordinary sacrifices
many of our dole bludgers make for us: they subsidise the social fabric with
their lives.
The introduction of the Job Seekers' Allowance, which is withheld if people
seem reluctant to take employment, has already caused appalling hardship. The
Salvation Army and the Citizens' Advice Bureau have been handing out food
parcels to people who have been arbitrarily deprived of benefits. Young
and musicians trying to build their careers have been cut short. Even athletes
at this year's Commonwealth Games were told that their JSA would be
discontinued as they had not stayed in Britain to make themselves available
There are also many welfare recipients who would like to take paid employment,
but know that, with poor wages and miserable conditions, it would do nothing
for their quality of life. The government's social security plans were
just two days after Peter Mandelson hinted that its Fairness at Work proposals
will be watered down. While working conditions remain manifestly unfair and
while the proposed minimum wage is set at little more than half the European
Union decency threshold, the Department of Social Security is becoming the
enforcer for exploitative employers, compelling people to take work that no
who could exercise a choice would accept. The government is running a
protection racket: you work for The Boss, or we break your piggy bank.
For years the DSS has puzzled over the problem of reducing Britain's welfare
bill. Now it seems to be abandoning its half-hearted attempts to lure people
into work in favour of forced labour. Yet the answer to its problem is so
painfully obvious that it could only have been deliberately ignored. To get
people off the dole, you pay them more.
What this means, of course, is a decent minimum wage, one, perhaps, which
respects the European guideline of six pounds an hour. Proposals like this are
met with horror from bosses and unions alike: it would destroy jobs and make
British business uncompetitive. But the 21 per cent increase in the United
States' minimum wage, introduced in 1996, was followed by 18 months of solid
growth in jobs, with those at the bottom of the pile benefiting most: decent
wages meant lower recruitment and training costs and a motivated workforce.
current collapse of the Multilateral Agreement on Investment provides the
perfect opportunity to propose a new global treaty, which would aim to raise
rather than lower employment standards, ensuring that exploitation is not a
prerequisite for competitiveness.
The stick has been broken repeatedly over the backs of the unemployed, and it
still doesn't work. Isn't it time we used the carrot?