Iraq war anniversary
Anti-war protesters mark the anniversary of the start of the war
On Saturday, 20 March, 2004, a globally coordinated protest saw hundreds of thousands of anti-war protesters taking to the streets in cities all around the world.
An estimated 25,000-50,000 people joined London's march to Trafalgar Square. These photographs were taken at the end of the day
A large banner on Nelson's column, Trafalgar Square reads: 'No More War, No More Lies'.
'We Love You'; chalked graffiti in Trafalgar Square
Anti Bush/Blair posters on the steps around Trafalgar Square
Lone religious anti-war protester holding curious placard
Two banners from the anti-war protest, Trafalgar Square
Nihilists for misspelling! Graffiti on the south west plinth in Trafalgar Square
Home made banner in Trafalgar Square: 'Love is life, War is death'
'No More War', Trafalgar Square
Shane from the Green Party serves up some tea!
Large banner image of George Bush (made out of multiple A4 photocopies) proclaims: 'Say hello to the biggest f**king hero in the world'
Chalked message in Trafalgar Square: 'Our New World Order is Love'
Old bloke with an anti-nuclear train message: 'Stop all nuclear trains through London - Chernobyl on wheels!' and a cray-zee situationist type holding a placard with the words 'odd erection'.
'Da Yoot' holding anti-Blair and Pro-Palestine banners.
Chalked graffiti in Trafalgar Square: 'Peace Now in the Middle East'
Dad with child walks over heavily-chalked pavement at the end of the protest, Trafalgar Square.
End of the protest. Pile of discarded banners from the anti-war protest in London
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