Brixton: Cooltan Arts Freedom Network benefits
Cooltan Arts was a major community resource, hosting some of the finest benefit parties Brixton has ever seen!
The building was used as a central hub for various campaign groups, with the packed parties providing a useful funding resource.
Here's a collection of party flyers, shakily designed by yours truly on an Amiga A1200 (remember them?!) from 1994-1995.
Freedom 2: Freedom Network/Cooltan Arts CJB Benefit party with Zion Train, Tribal Energy, cinema, bands, film, performance artists, dub room and 'surprises'!
13th August 1994.
Freedom 3: Freedom Network/Cooltan Arts CJB all-night benefit party with D-I-Y, Tribal Energy, DJ Evolution and more!
10th September 1994.
Freedom 4: Hackney House, Optimist Creed, Grateful Dub, Astralasia, ambient cafe disco and chillout. 8th October 1994.
Freedom 5: Freedom Network/Cooltan Arts CJA Benefit party with Optimist Creed, bands, film, performance artists, dub room and the omnipresent Offshore!
13th August 1994.
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