Then and Now: Brixton Station Road/Valentia Road
Photographic comparisons of old and modern views of Lambeth

c. 1964 In this view looking west towards Pope's Road, you can see the derelict end-of-terrace houses on Valentia Road, with a shop window just visible to the right.
(pic: Lambeth Archives)

Dec 2003 Most of the area north of Brixton Station Road was redeveloped during the 1970s, with social social housing and an unspeakably ugly multi-storey carpark replacing the Victorian terraces. Valentia Road disappeared completely during the rebuilding, although the shop seen to the far right survives, first as a cafe and more recently as a business advice centre.
Curiously, the northern half of Canterbury Road (which used to run from Brixton Station Road to Brixton Road) also vanished and the remaining stub connecting Coldharbour Lane to Station Road was renamed Valentia Place.
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