Then and Now: Atlantic Rd north, towards Brixton Rd
Photographic comparisons of old and modern views of Lambeth
c. 1900 This turn of the century, hand-painted photograph shows a bustling Atlantic Road, with carts, cyclists and pedestrians filling the street. A huge 'Pocock Bros' sign juts over the street (by the Railway Hotel) while a sign above No 41 (right, foreground) advertises a 'Sale and Auction every Tuesday Evening'.
(pic: Norwood Society)
c. 1921 The electrified overhead railway bridge dominates this view, with the original wooden station building visible below the bridge. Shop signs along the street advertise, 'Shirley Bros - the Shop For Bargains', 'E.W.Lee - The Brixton Bakery' and 'Raphael the Tailor'.
(pic: Brixton Society)
May 2003 Eighty years later, and Atlantic Road is still a bustling marketplace. The railway bridge has been rebuilt and the station platforms now extend out over the street. Most of the stores to the left are now butchers shops, blasting out loud dance music that would probably terrify the shoppers in the original photos!
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