Then and Now: Tate Library Garden, Brixton Oval
Photographic comparisons of old and modern views of Lambeth
1965 The ornate wrought iron gates of the Tate Library Gardens lead walkers into a landscaped, enclosed space. What looks like miniature lions sit atop each pillar.
Partially hidden to the left is the bust of Sir Henry Tate which forms the centrepiece of a raised decorative flower bed, full of tulips.
It looks a lovely place to sit and reflect.
(pic: Lambeth Archives)
Feb 2008 Now brutally swept clean of all plants, features, benches and, well, anything of interest, the 'Gardens' now present a bleak wasteland of bare concrete with a raised piece of grass, seen in the foreground.
Several plans for the space keep resurfacing, but none of them have come remotely close to what was there before.
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